Ankit (name changed) is the name of child whom Childline Aligarh run by UDAAN Society is going to hand over to the parents. Nearly 12 year old child is out of his home for more than one year and was residing in Firozabad Shelter home. From Delhi railway Station to Children home at Delhi to Firozabad is a long story which his eyes tells. See his maturity, he came with the letters and slips of 4 more children who are presently in shelter home at Firozabad, one among them is from Andra Pradesh. His one year long journey at different railway stations and children home says something about the status of missing and run away children in this country.
Ankit (name changed) is the name of child whom Childline Aligarh run by UDAAN Society is going to hand over to the parents. Nearly 12 year old child is out of his home for more than one year and was residing in Firozabad Shelter home. From Delhi railway Station to Children home at Delhi to Firozabad is a long story which his eyes tells. See his maturity, he came with the letters and slips of 4 more children who are presently in shelter home at Firozabad, one among them is from Andra Pradesh. His one year long journey at different railway stations and children home says something about the status of missing and run away children in this country.